Monday, August 17, 2009

Week 4 is here!

Hey ladies, week 4 is here. I hope you are trying some of these workouts, even if your triathlon date is up in the air.

Mon - OFF
Tue - Run: 30 mins
Wed - Swim: 500 yards
Thu - BRICK: 30 min bike/10 min run/20 min walk
Fri - Swim: 500 yards
Sat - Run: 50 mins
Sun - Bike 20miles, walk 30 minutes

I know it is a lot, if you want I can go back to week one of the plan and we can start there. My triathlon is in the middle of October, maybe if we scaled down to having 2 or 3 days off a week the plan will be easier to fit into our busy days, what do you think?

Monday, August 10, 2009

Week Three

Hello out there! I hope you are doing OK with the training, it is quiet but I know that this time of year is busy for you guys. Here is this weeks schedule:
Mon - OFF
Tue - Run: 30 minutes
Wed - Swim: 400 yards
Thu - BRICK: 30 min bike/10 min run/20 min walk
Fri - Swim: 500 yards
Sat - Run: 40 minutes
Sun - Bike: 15 mins, Walk: 30 min

Focus on finishing each workout strong. Focus on the end goal; crossing the finish line. Focus on how your body feels when you are done with each workout and you know you have accomplished that day's training goal. Be strong, rest when you need to. Most of all, have fun with it!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Week two! Are you ready?

Ok ladies, we are in week two. The workouts get a little tougher and longer with this week, just remember to do the miles/minutes the best you can. We are building endurance.

Mon - OFF
Tue - Run: 30 min
Wed - Swim: 400 yards
Thu - BRICK: 30 min bike, 10 min run, 20 min walk
Fri - Swim: 400 yards
Sat - Run: 40 min
Sun - Bike 15 miles

I have a 5 mile run scheduled for Thursday with a few friends then have a 5k race on Sunday at the OC Fair so I am going to have to move some of this around to fit my schedule. I will most likely run today, swim Tuesday and Wednesday and bike Saturday. I know the bikes are long but try to go somewhere you will be distracted by your surroundings instead of focusing on each mile you are grinding out. This is a hard week but I know we can do it. Good luck and happy training!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Fueling your body

"If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise - not too little and not too much - we would have found the safest way to health" - Hippocrates

This is one area I really struggled with. I was working out consistently but not losing weight, building muscle or noticing my clothes fitting differently. So, I started using the tool and found I was taking in way too much fat, not near enough protien or carbs and wasting calories on booze (that was the hardest pill to swallow by FAR!).

It took a lot of discipline but I pulled back on fats (bye bye cheese, we had a good run) and starting taking in more carbs and protein. At first it didn't feel right but after the first 2 or 3 weeks I noticed I was not struggling as bad at the end of my workouts. About 5 weeks into it I noticed my clothes fitting better and some muscle definition. At 9 weeks I had lost 8 pounds. Here was my trick though, I NEVER deprived myself. If I wanted a glass of wine, I had one. I went out and bought the individually wrapped Ghiradelli chocolates and if I want something sweet I eat one, and only one. Once every 3 weeks or so I let my hair down and had many beers. But as time went on, I didn't like the way I felt the next day, my workouts were worthless so even that scaled back but I never felt deprived.

I also started looking at healthier alternatives to snacks. I almost always have red, orange and yellow peppers cut and ready to eat. I eat those with a sandwich at lunch instead of chips. If I do want cheese, I have low fat string cheese in the frig. I am a big fan of pistachios. I will count out a serving size on a napkin and put the bag away and once they are gone, they are gone. If I want something sweet I try to eat fruit instead of chocolate.

These are things that worked for me, everyone is different. I didn't make these changes over night, it took awhile to build the discipline but now that I have I love the way I feel. I fall off the wagon sometimes, but I get right back on because I know that if I don't give my body the right fuel I will not make it through the 750m swim, the 12 mile bike and 3.1 run in October.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Trying a Triathlon for 2009!

Hey ladies, here we go! We will use this blog to keep track of the training plan, motivation, tips, tricks, diet ideas to keep us fueled up for the training and for the big day. If I understand correctly you guys are looking at the Akron triathlon that is to take place on September 5th or 6th so this will be a 6 week plan. I am going to assume that you have been doing some training already so we are going to start aggressively with 6 workouts a week. PLEASE NOTE: modification can be made the training schedule as you see fit as long as you get all of the work outs in each week. If kids/husbands/boyfriends/family/work get in the way of a workout it is OK too. This plan is designed to build endurance, it is most important that you exercise the minutes/yards that are defined, if you have to stop and rest, stop and rest. There is no need to hurt yourself for no reason. Also, we are going to have days that we are just tired and the workout may not "feel" as good as previous ones. That is OK. It has taken me a long time to come to terms with that (I am not competitive at all, I swear, LOL). On the days that I am tired or just plain slower than usual I can at least be proud to say that I did it.

So here is this weeks workout:
Mon - OFF/Rest
Tue - Run: 20 min (9 min warm up, 9 min jog, 2 min cool down)
Wed - Swim 300 yards (warm up 50 yards easy, 4x50s freestyle with 15 seconds rest in between, 50 yard swim easy cool down)
Thu - BRICK - this is a combination work out - 30 minute bike, 10 minute run, 20 minute walk
Fri - Swim 400 yards (warm up 50 yards easy, 6x50s freestyle with 10 seconds rest in between, 50 yard swim easy cool down)
Sat - Run 40 min (9 min warm up, 4 min jog, 1 min walk, 4 min jog, 1 min walk for remainder of time)
Sun - 12 mile bike